Open Plan: Summer Studio
Posted on 28 February 2022Open Plan: Summer Studio
40 artists that want to be a part of a temporary, creative community at Towner Eastbourne this summer.
In August, Towner is opening up its ground floor studio to become workspace for artists. You are invited to spend a week with other artists in the region, to share ideas and perspectives, forming connections to support you in generating new artworks, collaborations and opportunities together.
This is open to artists who are…
At any stage in their career, but who have been practising for a minimum of 3 years
Work in any artform
Local and regional: living in Kent or Sussex
Able to commit to 1 week at Towner in August
We want to foster interdisciplinary, intergenerational and intercultural connections - so won’t be looking at the ‘quality’ of your artwork but at your enthusiasm to participate, contribute, collaborate and get the most out of the programme.

Free Movement of Culture, PARADOX Conference. Artists: Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis. Photo by Sophie Chapman.
1 week in August 2022 of…
Community building - introducing you to a close group & a wider cohort of artists from across disciplines & stages in their career in the region
Facilitated opportunities to learn, collaborate, develop & make new work
Free studio space 10am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday, to work/hang out in
An artist led workshop (tailored to your groups interests) & potluck dinner
Feedback on your work from the other artists, Towner staff, the facilitator & workshop artist
Accommodation & travel (for those that need it)
A group materials budget of £200 per week
Resulting in…
New connections, new perspectives, new methods, new tools to sustain your work
A sharing celebration & presentation of the work you have produced or reflection on your collective experience
This opportunity is about seeing what happens when you work with or alongside other artists, what can be learned or gained for your own work and collectively from that process.
Although there is no expectation around how you use the space at Towner, it will be open to the public to drop in and see what you are up to Tuesday to Saturday, with an optional public event on the Saturday. This opportunity will appeal to those interested in gaining new input by working collaboratively with other artists.
Everyone taking part will then have the chance to book a space at Towner to use again, either as a group or individually in future.

Photo by Eva Eastman
This programme is free to take part.
Towner is fully wheelchair accessible and has wheelchair accessible toilets.
There is an access budget of £2,000 to be shared amongst participating artists, this can be claimed for: childcare, travel, or any other personal access costs that would support you in taking part if you are neurodivergent, disabled or have long term illness also.
If you do have specific access requirements be sure to let us know or include an access rider when submitting your application. Once we make the selection we will be in touch with everyone to ensure their time taking part is as comfortable as possible, and can provide specific information on facilities such as pharmacies and lift access etc in Eastbourne more broadly if needed.
Please answer the following questions:
200 words for each question. If you would prefer to record your answers than write them then please upload a video or audio file up to 5mins long.
1. Why do you want to be a part of the Open Plan community? And why now?
2. How would taking part in this programme help you develop as an artist? What would be different about your work, making process and/or artistic community as a result of taking part?
3. Give us 3 examples of things that have excited you recently e.g. books, films, music, exhibitions, conversations, events - can be whatever you like. This is to help us understand what your interests are without asking you to write an artist statement.
Send in your application as a PDF or word document or as a recorded 5 minute video or audio file to:
These questions are not designed to trip you up and there are no wrong answers. We will use them to get a sense of who you are and what you might contribute to the group. In acknowledgment of the inequities in our society and the artworlds therein, we will also be looking to select a diverse cohort and particularly welcome applications from those who may be typically underrepresented in the arts due to social, financial, classed, racial, sexual or gendered inequalities.

Free Movement of Culture, PARADOX Conference. Artists: Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis. Photo by Sophie Chapman.
Esther Collins (Head of Learning at Towner Eastbourne) Sophie Chapman (Open Plan artist facilitator) and 1 independent creative (TBC from a local organisation) will match artists into groups of 10 based on connections we see in your thinking/working process, or where we see interesting possibilities in the ways your work could challenge or learn from one another.
Deadline for applications is Sunday 1 May at midnight
We will review applications in early May & everyone will be notified by Friday 20 May
Group 1 will start on Monday 1 and finish Sunday 7 August
Group 2 will start on Monday 8 and finish Sunday 14 August
Group 3 will start on Monday 15 and finish Sunday 21 August
Group 4 will start on Monday 22 and finish Sunday 28 August

Photo by Eva Eastman
Sophie Chapman is an interdisciplinary artist, facilitator and producer; originally from Newcastle, living in London. The thread that connects all of her work is a question around how we can experiment with and collectively rethink the structures and methods by which we make and share art. From 2015 - 2021 Sophie made work as part of a duo with Kerri Jefferis. Their work brought people together to play, improvise, experiment and provoke alternative ways of being (together), resulting in tools, publications, punk bands, cushions, drawings, furniture and moving image works. Such as a scriptless film and card game made with amateur actors in south Leeds (Idle Acts 2019/20) and a video and workshop series (Oracular Theatre 2020) exploring speculative fiction. She also set up The White House artist residency and community space in Dagenham (2016-2018) and worked as a Learning Curator for the Whitstable Biennale/Cement Fields (2018-2020). She is now the Artist Development Coordinator for Chisenhale Studios, Artist Facilitator for Into The Wild and Programme Manager for Grand Plan.
For any queries please email

Desire Lines and Disorientation, Jamboree Festival. Artists: Sophie Chapman and Kerri Jefferis. Photo by Kat Hall.