We Hear You Now
New Stories for the Seven Sisters & Sussex Heritage Coast

We Hear You Now (2023) is a 16 part spoken word audio series also embedded as a walking trail on Listening points across the Seven Sisters and Sussex Heritage Coast, presenting contemporary speculative fiction, poetry and new myth by writers, poets and artists of black and global heritage.
It was written and recorded by Alinah Azadeh, Joyoti Grech Cato, Akila Richards, Jenny Arach, Georgina Aboud, Oluwafemi Hughes, Dulani Kulasinghe, Razia Aziz, Georgina Parke. Newer works by Pauline Rutter and Sheila Auguste are also on this playlist, responding to the existing work as an archive.
Their work explores the chalk coastline from Eastbourne to Seaford via Cuckmere Valley and the Seven Sisters through the lens of climate change, global migration, legacies of empire and the writers’ own sense of personal belonging and connection to the coastal landscape.
Visit www.sevensisters.org.uk/we-hear-you-now for captioned versions of this series, full info, project films and a downloadable map/guide for walkers. Pick up a paper guide at Seven Sisters Country Park and partner sites.
Lead writer and project curator: Alinah Azadeh.
Main prose editor: Umi Sinha. Sound recording: Long Way Home Productions / Sonic Boom Audio Sound Design: Sonic Boom Audio / David Thomas.
We Hear You Now was produced during Alinah Azadeh’s inaugural writer residency at Seven Sisters Country Park and Sussex Heritage Coast for South Downs National Park Authority (2020-23), and majority funded by Arts Council England. Thanks to Seven Sisters Country Park, and all their staff teams for ongoing support, and to The National Trust, Eastbourne Borough Council, Sussex Wildlife Trust, and Seaford Town Council for hosting the trail.