HAF: East Sussex Studio (SEND)
Wednesday 28 August, 11.00am to 3.00pm
Free, booking required
Supported by the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) project, Towner is delivering creative artist-led activities around nature, food and collaboration for young people eligible for Free School Meals.
Lead by artist Sam Ayre we'll take over Towner’s ground floor Studios through fun workshops that include drawings, paintings, performances and sculpture with a focus on environmentally responsible and biodegradable materials as well as group-wide discussions and collective making.
We'll also explore what we’d like our shared food growing spaces to look like and introduce edible plants to the sessions.
Lunches and snacks are provided during the sessions.
Groups will be supported by the lead artist, two additional facilitators and an access support worker (SEND sessions only) as well as Towner's Learning team.
Please note: Booking can only be done via EEQU (link above), and is only available to young people eligible for Free School Meals.
About Sam Ayre
Sam is a socially engaged artist with a supporting studio practice based in rural East Sussex. He specialises in projects that focus on options, society, learning, ecologies and ideas of legitimacy surrounding art, culture and history.
Accessibility and Transport Support
This is a designated SEND session. These sessions have lower numbers and more support staff and caregivers are welcome to join the sessions. More information can be found on the booking page.
We have a budget available to make this event as accessible as possible – this can include further interpretation services or other access arrangements we can meet to enable you to participate. If you require access arrangements, please email mollie.howells@townereastbounre.org.uk two weeks before the event date so that we can book a service if needed.