Online Reading Group: Sanctuary
6.00pm to 7.30pm, free (booking required)
Tuesday 10 January 2023
Juanan Requena, Lecciones de Abismo, 2018.
Sophie Mak-Schram, Still from collective reading with Iliada Charalambous for Change Feeling, Van Abbemuseum July 2022. Photo by Ozgur Atlagan.
Join an online reading group on the theme of sanctuary facilitated by artist and curator Sophie Mak-Schram.
Together, you’ll explore extracts of texts around ideas of site, community, home(s) and returns. These texts are drawn from, or speak to, the Brewers Towner International exhibition theme, Sanctuary, but your conversations need not be.
This reading group might involve creating collective responses to the texts and sharing of experiences.
The event will include a ten-minute break.
The group will discuss thoughts on short extracts from the following texts:
May Sarton - Journal of a Solitude, 1973
Gaston Bachelard - The Poetics of Space, 1957
Sara Ahmed - Queer Phenomenology, 2006
Melanie Jackson - Spekyng Rybawdy, 2020
Nigel Caple - Sanctuary, 2022
Karolina Bregula - Exercises in Losing Control, 2022
About Sophie Mak-Schram
Sophie Mak-Schram is an art historian, producer, educator and occasional practitioner. She likes to think-make-work-be with other people around forms of knowing.
She co-ran Overheard Map, an annual residency project that experiments with how artists work together, was one half of Tail Bend Travel (2016-2019), a (sometimes fictional) tour company that offers new ways of exploring your localities. She likes to linger in the ‘and’ between art and education. At the moment, she’s particularly interested in radical pedagogies, sociality, embodied or imbibed knowledge and the body in (mis)education.
instagram: @makschram
Speech-to-text reporter Claire Hill will be providing captioning for the online event.
We have a budget available to make this event as accessible as possible – this includes services such as BSL interpretation and closed-captioning, along with others. If you require access arrangements, please email by 21 December 2022 so that we can book a service if needed before the holiday period.