Shepherd Manyika & Banana Sharks Youth Collective the love of fruit and the love of sharks
Saturday 28 to Sunday 29 September
Free drop-in
For one weekend only you can catch the first screening of a new artist film made with a group of young people in Hampden Park.
the love of fruit and the love of sharks was filmed and edited by Shepherd Manyika during a series of workshops in Summer 2024 with Banana Sharks Youth Collective at Willingdon Trees Community Centre.
Manyika uses a variety of filming and editing techniques to give a sense of the energy of a session. His film follows the action in and out of the building, uses original, and sometimes echoing audio, positions different viewpoints on the same screen, and by including himself in the film along with the two artists, twelve young people and four members of staff you get a sense of the unruly spirit of this truly unique group.
Many of the activities you will witness were conceived by artists as a way to collectively and creatively respond to the work of Maria Amidu and then taken in a different direction as each young person developed their interest in specific interactions with materials and people.
Maria Amidu was part of iniva’s Future Collect programme and was commissioned to produce work towards an exhibition, in the perpetual back and forth which was at Towner from May to September 2024. The Banana Sharks continue to meet and make work with artists Babalola Yusuf and Dana Brass and youth workers Claire Jolly and Tash.